North of France
Come, and work with us alongside French and immigrant communities in Thumeries.
The World Horizons team in the North of France has a chateau that is run as a hospitality centre. Placements at the Chateau du Paradis in Thumeries, near Lille, would be particularly suitable for those with experience in plumbing, electrics, carpentry, decorating, gardening or catering. French is useful but not essential.
There is also an opportunity to support outreach activities with nearby immigrant communities. For those looking to develop their French, there is the option to focus on language.
Handy Person
Practical help at the chateau: plumbing, electrical, carpentry, decorating, and gardening skills would be very useful. Also catering and cleaning are needed.
Length: 1-2 months.
Time of year: Preferably not in the winter.
French Learners and Language Students
Take French classes online, practise locally and enjoy participating in community and church life.
Length: 3+ months.
Time of year: Various.
French Speakers
Join the team by both helping at the chateau and using your interests and abilities to invest in the local community and church. Help develop outreach activities with nearby immigrant communities. Reasonable level of French required.
Length: 3+ months.
Time of year: Best in the warmer months.
Northern France, to the south of Lille.
People Group
French and local immigrant communities.
Society in this region is secular, like many others in France. Many people would say, without understanding the contradiction, that they are French, atheist and Catholic.
Thumeries is a commuter village lying between the Lille metropolis to the north, a traditional agricultural area to the east and a former mining area to the south. Immigrants (notably Polish and North Africans) came to work in the mines. However, the closure of the mines has left many social problems including unemployment amongst the young. While Polish and Arabic are still spoken by some, French is the main language. Taking part in clubs and other local activities is a major way of meeting people.
Team Vision
The team vision is to be a positive influence in the area through a living expression of faith in Jesus.
Team Strategy
To be involved in the local community and in local church and discipleship groups.
The Chateau du Paradis in Thumeries ( is run as a hospitality centre offering bed and breakfast accommodation and a holiday cottage. A small church meets in the ‘Grande Salle’. Both French and English are spoken at the chateau.
The approximate cost for accommodation is £300 (€350) per month per person. This does not include meals. A kitchenette is available, and it is possible to share a large fully equipped kitchen as well as have some meals together.
Application Requirement
Individuals need to be aged 18+ and physically fit, (there are a lot of stairs in the chateau.)
South-West France
Come, and work with us alongside the people of the Pays Basque Region.
Arts festivals featuring pop-up galleries and live music run across the region during the summer months. Come and join the road team who are setting up these events.
Placements in the Pays Basque region would be particularly suitable for those with experience in the arts, sound technology, interpreting, or catering. There are also opportunities for people with practical skills in plastering, electrics, carpentry, painting and decorating at the World Horizons community house. For those looking to develop their French, there is the option to focus on language.
French Learners and Language Students
Learn French: study both online and in the classroom while also practising French with locals in the community. Get involved in a small, growing church and stay at the World Horizons community house.
Length: 3 weeks–1 year.
Time of year: Any, but not available over the Christmas/New Year period if the placement is less than a month.
Handy Person
Help renovate the World Horizons community house. Experience in plastering, electrics, carpentry or painting and decorating required.
Length: 2-4 weeks
Time of year: Not over the Christmas/New Year period.
Arts Festivals Team Member
Join a festival road team travelling to various locations. Help to run arts festivals featuring pop-up art galleries and live music. If you have skills as an artist, sound technician, interpreter, musician, or cook, come and join the team. We also require people to help set up and dismantle exhibitions and stage sets.
Length: 4-8 weeks.
Time of year: July/August
Southwest France bordering Spain. Towns and villages in the Basque country, the Coast, and the Pyrenees.
People Group
French and Basque living in both France and Northern Spain.
French and Basque, both urban and rural. The Basque Country is a cross-border cultural region that has a distinctive culture including its own language, customs, festivals, and music. It is known for its festivals which take place all year round. Over and above the folklore aspect, Basque Country dance is a way of saluting or thanking somebody or solemnising a religious or social event.
Team Vision
To get alongside and support churches or to start new ones, whilst also having a strong involvement in the life of the community. The vision is to have multiple hubs and hub communities working together, spread throughout the region.
Team Strategy
To enhance or start Christian communities and churches through the development of hubs each of which is unique in approach as it adapts to meet the needs of its location.
To develop strong links with people outside of France and invite them to regularly visit the region. Over time individuals, house groups, youth groups and churches will build meaningful connections with communities in the Basque Country and bring transformation through the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The approximate cost for accommodation is €350 per person per month, plus food, flights and insurance. There is the option of €420 for accommodation including food per person per month (eating with the family at the community house) plus flights and insurance.
Language lessons cost an average of €20-25 euros per class; there may be some classes available at €10.
Application Requirement
Those under 18 will need to apply and come with an adult who is responsible for them.
Portfolio of Placements

Get in Touch
If you are interested in doing a placement and would like to explore suitable options, contact us to find out more.